" Tips on How to Write a Goodbye Letter | Samples of Goodbye Letter



Tips on How to Write a Goodbye Letter | Samples of Goodbye Letter


Goodbye letter is kind of letter that is written and sent to tell the reader that you are leaving for a long time or forever. This is use to say a goodbye top your colleague, your junior in school, your staff when retiring. If you leaving your job soon, it is very important to write a goodbye letter after you have submitted your resignation letter or with your resignation letter. This letter will make your colleague know that you are leaving and can get you some stuff like gift,money, or organizes a party for you to serve as a remembrance for you. This letter helps build relationship between the you and your coworkers or company as you don’t know the time you will need recommendation.  It doesn't matter if you are leaving a job but trying to say goodbye.


You need to consider some things before writing a goodbye letter to your fellow colleague or company as a whole. The things to consider before writing and sending a goodbye letter includes;

1. Be certain: Do you know what I mean about being certain? This means that you should be sure that you are leaving the job. It wont speak well at all when you have actually sent a goodbye letter, you are considering the job back. I am telling you that this will be a great disgrace for you if you didn’t later leave the job.

2. Compare the new job to current job : Be very sure you new job is really better that your current job . Compare the advantages and the disadvantages of the new job to your current job. If the disadvantages of the new job is much more that the advantages, kindly, don’t leave you current job. If you leave this your current job and go for your new job having a more of disadvantages, you may end up to quit and which will be a bad record for you as companies will be scared to employ you.

3. Have enough money : If you have not got a job before you quit, make sure you have enough savings that can sustain for at least three month. Even if you have gotten a new job, have enough money because you don’t know they delay salary in the new job.

4. Have the company’s property ready ; Some company do give their employees car, phone, house, and all sort of valuable things. You should make sure you have a new house to live if you leave the company. This is very important to be sure you have it and you hand over to the company.



You need to know about somethings before you leave your current job which are:

1. Departing benefit duration: You need to know this before you tender your resignation letter. The benefit you are entitled to collect when you resign from a job or retire from the work. Make sure you know the how long it takes to collect your benefit from the company when you leaves. This will make you plan for the future.

2. Ask for recommendation : Make sure you get a recommendation letter from your company before you leave. You may lose contact anytime but if you have the recommendation letter at hand, this will let you be able to get job from another company if you have done that.

3. Write resignation letter : This can be done before you write a goodbye letter as this will build a good relationship between you and the company as this will make him to give the recommendation letter you will ask for. In your letter of resignation make sure you give a good professional notice of at least two weeks  



This tips will include what you need to include or avoid in your goodbye letter. The three things you should have in your goodbye letter are :

1. Be positive : No matter how angry you are about the company or what bad they have done for, do not include a negative words. You should write the good part of the company and how they have helped you. If you write negative words, you may end up not been able to get your recommendation letter.

2. Conciseness : This is very important as you don’t need the full information of why you are leaving in the letter. You don’t need to write about your new job.

3. Proof read : It is very good to proof read your letter before sending it. Remove all the errors in the letter.



This steps below will help up you write a error free goodbye letter. The steps are here:

Step 1 : Address :If you don’t have a official letter head paper including your name and address, you can add your address in the letter at the right hand-side of the paper. This very important. In the address, make sure you add commas, fulls stop where necessary. This address should include date.


Step 2 : Addressee : This letter should have the address of the person you are sending the letter to. This should have the correct of the company or co workers you are sending the letter to.


Step 3 : Salutation : If you are being conversant with this website, you should know that what should follow be salutation. Like Dear coworkers,

Make sure, you should have comma at the end of the salutation.


Step 4 : The purpose of letter : This first paragraph of the letter should include the purpose you are writing the letter.


Step 4 : Benefit of the company : You should write how you have develop in the company and you will not forget the organisation.


Step 5 : Conclusion : In this conclusion, write that you will miss the company and the your colleagues and include you contact information which may be email or phone number. It is better to write the two and tell them to follow you on social media so you can always connect.



Sample of resignation

12, Oyewole Street,


Maraba ,

Akwa Ibom State.

May 1, 2020.


The HR,

Kaskatech  Company,

Love You,

Peace State.


Dear HR,


I am using this medium to officially say a big goodbye to you and my coworkers. In the next two weeks, I will be leaving this Kaskatech Company. It not my my will to leave the company but, the new opportunity in my career.


Me working with kasatech and my fellow workers is a dream come true. I have learned. The love you showed me has really made my life a better one. Your guidance and support has really prepared me well for the future. I will really miss you guys.


I may not be around to check on you every time but you can contact me by sending a mail to me @prolasun@gmail.com to proof read your letter.


Warm regards,


[full name].


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