" The Best Guide Of Agricultural System To Be Discussed



The Best Guide Of Agricultural System To Be Discussed

Best Way to Make Weeds Go To Extinction

Agricultural systems have been used by farmers a very long time ago for the production of food for human. Agricultural system is affected by climatic conditions, vegetations and crops in different areas.This means that factors consideration determines the types of system that could be used in a particular area of production. For examples, tree crops are planted in Africa Southern part because this part, which is known as rainforest zone, can support tree crops very well, while the northern part know as Savannah some mainly used for growing cereals and grain crops. Agricultural systems are what we call farming system and cropping system.In this next part, we shall be discussing the various types of farming and cropping system that have been used over the ages till date.

Farming System

This simply means the different types of agricultural practice used by farmers around the world for the production of plant and animals.This farming system is what encompasses the farmer, the farm, types of crops grown, the livestock reared and the technology applied in carrying out various farm operations to achieve a very maximum yield of crops and animals.

Types of Farming System

There are two types of farming system which includes ;
1. Shifting Cultivation
2. Bush Fallow system

Shifting Cultivation

Shifting cultivation is a system of farming a farmer cultivates on a piece of land for some years, until the yield from the land starts to decrease.The farmer then abadons such land and moves to another location without having the intention to going back to the original area.He may, however, return to the area again by accident.

Bush Fallow System
Bush fallow system is a system in form of shift cultivation, the farmer cultivates on a piece of land for three to four years and intentionally leaves it for some years to regain its lost nutrients before the farm can be used again.In this system, the farmer may not move completely away from that farm land completely, but may rotate his cultivation from one portion to another. Bush fallow is known as land rotation and that period when the land is allowed to rest without planting, so that the lost nutrients can be restored, this referred to as Fallow period.The nutrients that are lost are returned to soil through decomposing of dead plant and animals.
In the olden days, shift cultivation or bush fallowing was made possible due to low population of people and availability of enough land.But with the increase in population and man's activities on land , such as road construction, building of schools, hospitals, recreational centres, stadium, industries, churches, and mosque etc , there is no enough land to practice this system of farming.

Advantages of Shift Cultivation or bush fallowing

1. Using this method doesn't not require capital investment on fertilizer because the land regains it's nutrients back.
2. Burning is among the features of shifting cultivation and it helpsin the killing of harmful organisms in the soil.
3. The soil fertility is restored during the period of fallow.
4. These systems is only possible where there is enough land and low population density.
5. It prevents the accumulation of pest and the spread of diseases on a particular land or area.

Disadvantages of Shifting Cultivation or Bush Fallowing.

1. Shifting cultivation requires enough land and low population to succeed.
2. This system encourages soil erosions.
3. It requires energy ,time and money to clear a new farmland.
4. Many useful organisms in the soil are usually destroyed in the process of burning.

Pastoral Farming 

This is a system of farming whereby grazing animals such as cattles, sheep and goats are kept.The farmer who is known as a herdsman manages his animal by moving from one location to another in search of fresh grazing known as normadic heading or by settling them in an organised place known as Ranching, whereby they are properly cared for against accident, diseases, attacks and other dangerous things.During the movement period, the animals are often exposed to alot of danger such as pest, disease attacks etc.
Types of Pastoral Farming
There are two pastoral farming which includes;
1. Normadic farming
2. Ranching

Normadic Herding

Normadic farming is the process whereby herdman and flock moves from one place to another, in search for food and water. This can also be a movement away from areas of pest and diseases infestation. For examples the fulani moves their stock done northern part of Nigeria towards the southern parts, searching for water and green grass, where they feed the dry season because the northern parts is always hot and sunny and grasses would have dried up.

Advantages of Normadic Farming

The movement of the animals enables the animals to feed themselves where water and food are available, thereby preventing the animals from starvation and death.

Disadvantages of Normadic Farming

1. Very poor quality and undersized animals are produced dues to them wandering around.
2. There is no good management of pastures.
3. Animals are exposed to injuries, pest, diseases and death due to insecurities.
4. The herdsman themselves are equally exposed to all sorts of danger and deaths.
5. There is no regular supply of food and water for animals and herdsman.


This is a system of livestock rearing which involves keeping the farm animals on a large scale and on large enclosed land , which the land may be under natural vegetations or planted pastures.The animals move freely and graze themselves because there is security. A ranch is fenced and provide with stockades, crushes , animal dips to habour the animals during bad weather.Shed are needed to keep and treat sick animals.The animals are supplied with supplement feed in form of concentrates, vitamins and minerals.Enough water is supplied to the farm animals.

Advantages of Ranching

1. There is a practice of selective breeding.
2. Regular supply of water is assured for the animals
3. High quality animals are produced.
4. There will be low death rate of animals because they are secured.
5. The farmer easily notice the sick animals.

Disadvantages of Ranching

1. Overstocking: The land available and pastures may not be enough for the available animals.
2. It is very expensive to manage.
3. Outbreak of diseases may kill the whole stock.

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