" Guidelines on How You Choose Your Power For Your Farm Operations



Guidelines on How You Choose Your Power For Your Farm Operations

Guidelines on How You Choose Your Power For Your Farm Operations

Farm power can simply be defined as the rate of doing work on the farm.It also be referred to as the rate of expenditure of energy on the farm.Farm power can be obtained from many sources which includes;
1. Human Power
2. Animal Power
3. Mechanical Power
4. Electrical Power
5. Solar Power
6. Water Power

Human or Manual Power

Human power is the one that is from the power provided by human beings. It is very common in every farm operation. This farm power is needed in every farm due to intelligence of farm by using his hands to perform certain farm operation with making much mistakes. Human power is used with tradition tools. It involves more people to that of other such of farm power. Human labour may be skilled or unskilled and they are usually hired.

Farm Operation which requires Human Power
Human Power in required in all farm operation. In crop production, human power is needed to do the the following
1. Land clearing
2. Stumping
3. Land preparation e.g ploughing, harrowing and ridging.
4. Planting
5. Weeding
6. Storage
7. Food processing
8. Harvesting

Advantages of Human Power
1. Man uses his intelligence to control the work he does.
2. It is easily available in all farm operation
3. It has control all over the other source of farm power.
4. It is the most of intelligent sources of farm power.
5. It can be controlled easily 
6. They do not require much money to hire.
7. Human Power is cheap because they use traditional tools.
8. Human Power is rhe most intelligent sources of power.

Disadvantages of Human Power
1. Human Power is not stable. A normal human power is 75W but it decreases to 20W after a continuous use.
2. Poor state of health of individual may affect his performance when working.
3. Human Power cannot perform tedious farm operations like land preparation, planting, weeding etc without get tired.
4. It may be expensive.
5. Efficiency in work decreases as the age rises.
6. It consumes time and is less efficient.
7. Humans beings can easily die or get fatigued.
8. Human beings can get attacked by farm wild animal.

Animal Power
This is a type of farm power that is derieved from some certain animals which are used to perform some operation on farm. Animal like bull aee used to ploughs,harrows, planters, ridgers while donkeys , camels ans horses are used to transport farm produce from one place to another.Animals can be owned or hired.
Draught animals like Oxen, Bullock etc are yoked.The yoke will be attached to any farm implement.Animal will drag the implement while man controls the directions of the implement for tiling the soil.
This is to say man is need in animal power to control the animals.

Qualities of a Good Draught Animal
1. The animals just have a good size and have deep barrel.
2. The animal should be very healthy
3. Animal must docile
4. The animals must have a very strong hooves, good stride ans stance.
5. The animal should be castrated for efficiency.

Precautions to take when using animal Power
1. The the animal to prevent them from being sick.
2. Do not over work the animal
3. Keep them healthy 
4. Ensure you feed them regularly with sufficient water.
5. Do not use them in the afternoon. 

Farm Operation which requires animal power
Animal power is required in the following farm operation
1. For transporting people
2. For drawing harrows
3. For ploughing
4. For drawing planter
5. For carrying farm produce, fertilizer, chemicals etc

Advantage s of Animal Power 
1. Animal Power can perform more tedious work than man having an output of about 500W for bull.
2. It can handle many farm operations.
3. Animal do not get tired easily as man do.
4. They relative low maintenance cost to machine.
5. They can be used in the evacuation of produce from inaccessible areas.

Disadvantages of Animal Power
1. Huge money is needed to feed and maintain the animals.
2. Diseases may affect the efficiency of the animals.
3. Poor handling of animals by the operators may result in the poor performance or refusal to work.
4. Animal can die easily.
5. The use of Animal may be restricted in certain climatic zone.
6. This power source isbkor suitable for large scale farming

Mechanical Power - This is the type of power that is produced by machine and engines like planters, harvesters,ploughs, harrows,ridgers to carry out operation on the farm land like ploughing, harrowing, weeding etc. They enhances the cultivation of large scale production. Examples of Machines include generators, tractors,water pump, bulldozer etc.

Farm Operation that requires mechanical Power
1. Ploughing
2. Planting
3. Ridging
4. Weeding
5. Grinding
6. Stumping
7. Harrowing
8. Harvesting
9. Food processing
10. Feed milling

Advantages of Mechanical Power
1. It makes works easier and faster
2. It can handle more land per unit time
3. It is not prone to any diseases
4. They reduces the farm druggery 
5. It can perform wide range of farm operation.

Disadvantages of Mechanical Power
1. It requires balot od money bro purchase
2. It destroy the structure of soil.
3. It is not easily available.
4. It cannot be used by small scale farmers.
5. It causes unemployment because no man power will be needed.
6. It requires technical skills which is not available.

Electrical Power 
This ia the type of power that are derived from electricity or generator. Electricity is used for many purposes. It is very neat and clean source of energy.It is efficient and reliable but grossly expensive.Electrical power can be used in refrigeration , incubation, milk machines, egg grading, candling, debeaking , drying of products etc.

Advantages of Electrical Power
1. It is easy to operate.
2. It is very dependable.
3. It can be used for many farm operations at a time.
4. It is a cheap sources of Power.
5. It is efficient and it saves labour.

Disadvantages of Electrical Power
1. It can cause fire hazard.
2. It's maintenance may be too high.
3. It must be seriously and strictly controlled or regulated
4. It is very dangerous or fatal, if it is carelessly handled.
5. It is very expensive .

Solar Power - This is the type of power that is derieved from the radiation, light and heat reaching the earth surfaces from the sun.Solar energy is stored in photo-voltaic cells or solar collectors or panels. It can also be used directly. It can be converted to electrical energy which can be stored in batteries.
They are used in the generation of electricity.They are useful in the drying of farm produce like maize , fish, meat etc.It is essential for photosynthesis.

Advantages of Solar Power
1. It is free
2. It is very cheap sources of power.
3. It's is easily available.
4. It is neat sources of energy.

Disadvantages of Solar Power
1. It fluctuate in supply.
2. It is not available during the night.
3. It's supply can't be controlled.

Water Power
Water Power is the type of power that is from rivers,streams and dams. Water is used to generate electricity called hydro electric power.They are used in transportation of farm produce .It is used by crops for growth and essential for farm animals.

Advantages of Water Power
1. It is very cheap
2. It can be easily converted to other forms of energy.

Disadvantages of Water Power
1. It doesn't supply power directly.
2. It is not available in all areas.
3. It could destroy if it's a carelessly handled.

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